Why Would I Create A Pedal Masterclass?!

Why Would I Create A Pedal Masterclass?!

Why Would I Create A Pedal Masterclass?! Before I started the guitar pedal business, I was always incredibly fascinated by how these little, tiny boxes full of magical electronic components could change the sound of the guitar drastically in a variety of ways. This...

The Stars are out tonight

The Stars are out tonight

It was around 3pm on January the 11th, 2023,  that I heard that Jeff Beck had passed away. It hadn’t been officially announced at this point and it was a comment by a friend that led to some frantic googling for both of us. It looked like it was a rumor. The original...

This Is How to Escape Your Guitar Learning Plateau

This Is How to Escape Your Guitar Learning Plateau

Oh, the intermediate plateau. We’ve all been there, and it’s certainly nothing to be ashamed of. Luckily there are plenty of people who have also been there before and have turned the corner as far as regaining their desire to grow as a guitar player - and they have...

We need more guitar heroes!

We need more guitar heroes!

It looks very much like the CV-19 situation is going to put a dampener on this year nearly as much as it did last year, and one industry that is going to feel that effect like a hefty kick in the nether regions, is the entertainment industry. I am already seeing...

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