The 7 Guitar Moments that Changed my World (Brian)

When most guitar players make lists like this, it's because they are listing things that made them play guitar differently or want to play guitar better or something like that. When I list things, it's because certain pieces made me hear something different and...

The 5 Guitar Moments That Changed My World (Alex)

I fell in love with music at an early age. My music tastes varied because of having to ride long distances because we lived waaay back in the woods. It varied by each parent too. Often riding with my mom to doctors’ appointments, we’d be listening to great oldies...

The Show Must Go On – Happy Birthday Freddie Mercury

Today would have marked the 69th Birthday of Farrokh Bulsara - better know to the world as Freddie Mercury. To many, including myself, Freddie was not only a mind blowing musician, singer, and songwriter; but the greatest live showman to ever grace the stage - it's...

What is the value of music in 2015?

What is the value of music in 2015?

So, on my day off yesterday I found myself sitting in my living room, next to a snoring dog, and reading blogs on the internet... Pretty standard stuff for a guy of my age with a brain that can't sit still. Most of the time, I freely admit,...

Hotel California – Isolated Guitar Tracks

Do you remember when you first sat up and really, really took notice of the guitar - how it could talk? How it could cry? How it could be a little cheeky or dare I say it, give the impression of being a touch sarcastic or have the kind of comedic timing only ever...

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