If you are new to the Electric Guitar and the wondrous rabbit hole of Guitar Effects Pedals, welcome, you are amongst friends here. We thought it would be kind of useful to give a perspective on building a first pedalboard for anyone that is new to the world of...
The Beatles: Get Back…What I learned by spending a day in the life
I will start off by assuming that you have heard that there is a new “docuseries” out about the Beatles currently streaming on Disney+. I could make various analogies about rocks caves and other generally mineral rich hiding places but I shall refrain. Peter Jackson...
Gearbox, parts shortages, and what’s coming next?
It’s been a busy period for us all at Wampler, and it’s fair to say we have had some unforeseen challenges, so I thought I would treat you to a collection of my unfettered ramblings in one easily digestible blog article…
Hello, can I have a free pedal? The ultimate guide to becoming a Wampler Pedals endorsee
We are regularly asked for free swag, pedals, amps, or goats in return for something or other…
How to break your Ratsbane
In case it escaped your attention, we released Brian’s take on the infamous rodentine 80’s distortion circuit last month - a pedal that has been requested numerous hundreds of times. I’m happy to say it's been a big success so far, we almost couldn't shovel the coal...
We need more guitar heroes!
It looks very much like the CV-19 situation is going to put a dampener on this year nearly as much as it did last year, and one industry that is going to feel that effect like a hefty kick in the nether regions, is the entertainment industry. I am already seeing...
For those about to rock…the Plexi Drive Mini
Last month we finally released the Plexi Drive Mini pedal, a pedal that has travelled an interesting path to get to its destination, and one we are all very fond of at Wampler. The idea of simply making mini versions of our own pedals is not something that Brian likes...
Introducing the Belle and paying our respects to EVH
2020 is going to be a historical year for a number of reasons, most of them sucky, and I am sure I speak for a good proportion of our readers when I say that the death of Eddie Van Halen was a major downer that we could have done without. Everyone at Wampler was...
5 fun ways to use compressor pedals
I love the compressor. I just do. It’s a really solid guitar pedal effect, and there are tons of different ways that you can use it. In this blog, I want to break down a few of my favorites. A couple of these methods are fairly standard, but a few of the others? Not...
Telecasters, Partscasters, and GAS
The news this week of the new Fender Brent Mason models (which have been in the pipeline for some 3 odd years I am led to believe...) sent the online gear community totally aflutter with frenzied chat for many good reasons. The top end model, the masterbuilt one,...