Being blown away by Cory Wong from Vulfpeck…

Being blown away by Cory Wong from Vulfpeck…

Life in the gear industry isn’t always as glamorous as it may seem. My idea of it years ago was playing guitar through prototypes, testing new products and talking to famous people all the time. Some of those are true, but it’s far less than most would imagine. Most...

But the audience can’t tell the difference!!

But the audience can’t tell the difference!!

How many times have you seen that comment as part of an argument online and kinda rolled your eyes at it? Well, if you are anything like me, you stopped counting when you ran out of fingers and toes.  So, to counter that, here is a bold statement. “Who cares if the...

Does gear make you a better player?

Does gear make you a better player?

Quite often you will see a conversation on the internet - usually started by a meme - that ends up with a few people arguing that playing isn't all about the gear, it's about the player. But what happens when the gear transforms the player? Here is a short piece sent...

Isolating Queen’s Bohemian Rhapsody

Isolating Queen’s Bohemian Rhapsody

As some of you have noticed, especially if you saw my blog piece from July 2018 and are connected to me on Social Media, I’ve been on a real Queen trip recently. Dusting down those old and vintage records is always great, but every now and then you get your hands on...

Coming full Circle on Gear Buying

Coming full Circle on Gear Buying

The time has come where I’m burnt out on gear, and my chase for tone has come full circle. In 2011 I was probably the happiest with my playing that I had ever been. My tone was great, my rig was stable, and I was focused on playing more than anything. My skillset was...

Why is it called music theory? Shouldn’t it be called music rules?

Why is it called music theory? Shouldn’t it be called music rules?

This week, I am giving the floor to a FB friend of mine called Nik Harrison… Who is Nik I hear you ask… Well... “I teach music (piano, guitar, theory, GCSE, A Level etc) but I also teach thinking skills. Critical thinking, applications of (and limitations of) logic,...

Queen, Adam Lambert, and playing THE Red Special…

Queen, Adam Lambert, and playing THE Red Special…

Monday, July 2nd 2018 will go down as one of the greatest, mind-melting nights of my life. If you disregard the day I met my wife and the two nights I become a Father, I’m pretty certain nothing has been as monumental as this was. I first ‘met’ Jamie Humphries many,...

The Comfort Zone?

The Comfort Zone?

I’m a creature of habit, 100%. Borderline OCD makes me happy when things are “normal” and in a routine. It’s something I’ve noticed for many years that permeates through all of my daily life, down to food choices, what deodorant I use, all that stuff. When I go to one...

What would I say to my younger self about playing live

What would I say to my younger self about playing live

A few days ago Brian, Alex and I were talking as Brian was thinking about video ideas for YouTube, and we were discussing guitarists who play live regularly but still get a few things wrong. Not necessarily in terms of their playing, but their approach to the...

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