How Many Pedals is too much?

So how many pedals on your board are too many? Is there really such a thing? While opinions are widely varied – here are my own personal thoughts on the matter – doesn’t make it right or wrong – just how I view it. First off – I don’t have just one pedal board. I play...

Modelling units – instrument SkyNet?

Modelling units – instrument SkyNet?

I've been thinking again and as usual that means I'm getting philosophical and a little grumpy... all this thinking has led me to the question - "Once digital modelling has won and there a no longer any amps/effects to model, what happens then?" So, right now you are...



When our guitar strings wear out – we change them. Old strings need changed for a ton of reasons – they won’t stay in tune because they are overly stretched – they break – they lose their sparkle – and for you non-coated string players – they rust! Bad/ old strings...

Endorsements – Dave’s tale (Part 2).

Endorsements – Dave’s tale (Part 2).

Endorsements. A hot topic... But first of all, let me answer the question you just asked yourself. Part 2? Where is part 1? Well, part 1 is written but I had to get it signed off by the management of another Dave and it appears to be lost in their bottomless pit of...

Power: 9v or 18v?

Here is one of the most common questions we are asked at Wampler Pedals - "Can I run this pedal at 18v"? As you may already know, I'm not one of the engineers in the company, I'm more on the marketing side so this post is not going to be full of nerd stuff, just the...

Securing Pedals to Your Pedalboard

Securing Pedals to Your Pedalboard

First off, let’s talk Velcro. It's used by most every guitarist under the sun to fasten their pedals to their pedalboards. The original idea and design originated in 1948 from George de Mestral. He noticed that burs would keep sticking to his dog whenever it went...

“…Welcome to Tone Chasers Anonymous…”

Which one should I begin with as I stand up and shyly speak as the whole group watches?? Should it be "Hello, my name is Jason and I'm addicted to chasing tone" or "Hello, my name is Jason and I'm an opinionated idiot"? You see, the problem I have is that both of...

Volume control: It Might Get Loud

Today I wanted to about volume. How loud is too loud? Volume can be a constant battle depending on venue, equipment, sound engineers, and fellow band members. You make sure you are heard and not lost in the mix, but you also don’t want to seem obnoxiously loud. Here...

Happy 106th Birthday, Leo Fender!

Today I wanted to take the time and wish Mr. Clarence Leonidas “Leo” Fender a very happy birthday! If Leo were still with us he would have been 106!!! In 1954, Leo created the greatest guitar of all time – the Stratocaster. (I’m serious – the greatest – guitar –...

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