Chasing Tone Podcast 41

Chasing Tone Podcast 41

This week on Chasing Tone! Highlight real! Amp in the Box (AIAB) pedals and the importance of cab simulators: Ok, ok - getting right to it. (AIAB) type pedals do typically, or should, sound very close to the actual amp they are trying to mimic. When played through a...

Forgeries… Have you got a real Wampler?

Forgeries… Have you got a real Wampler?

Hi guys, Jason here invading the blog - this has just come up on Facebook from a customer so I thought I would invade Max's blog to address it properly! This has been a hot topic for us for several years now - I am painfully aware of this issue as being the person...

Chasing Tone Episode 40:

This week I actually kicked off the show with my "radio guy voice" kind of cheesy - but it made people laugh so that's something... "From land of snow and tacos". If you don't know what I'm talking about - it's worth at least a listen for the first 2 minutes. So right...

Chasing Tone Podcast 37

Pros and Cons of playing like your heroes: So the Cons first – you obviously get “pigeon-holed” as a clone/ copy of your heroes. To some people this is a bad thing – as just about every guitar wants to be original. While to other’s playing just like their favorite...

Chasing Tone Podcast 35

This week we are continuing on with the 2 shorter podcasts a week format. So for those of you who still want the "meat and potatoes" of the show, with out all the goofy shenanigans - here are the highlights. Humidity and guitars: Winter, especially here in Indiana,...

Podcast Episode 34

Starting this week on the Chasing Tone Podcast, we decided to try out doing 2 shorter podcasts through out the week instead of 1 large one. Let us know what you think! This week, to my surprise – and probably to a lot of other listeners out there – we actually did a...

Chasing Tone Podcast Episode 33

So it's Monday once again - which means another episode of the Chasing Tone podcast! For those of you who want the abbreviated version - here it is. For those of you that have watched this podcast on YouTube – we started out this podcast with me cracking up at the...

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